
Present setup

Imaging Camera

Presently I am limited to my stock Nikon D90 DSLR, but planning to upgrade to a dedicated astro-camera, either the ZWO ASI533MC or ASI2600MC. OSC (one shot colour) for the timebeing with optional L-Extreme filter for transmission nebulae. This is to overcome the inherent limitations of a terrestrial stock DSLR camera, which filters out the important Ha (hydrogen alpha) wavelengths and is not cooled, so thermal and read noise becomes an issue.


The tracking mount is a HEQ5-Pro


ZWO Mini guidescope (30mm F4 objective, 120mm FL)
ZWO ASI120MM Mini camera


William Optics – ZenithStar ZS73 III with Z73A Field flattener


All hosted on a Linux laptop:

KStars with EKOS and INDI device drivers

PHD2 guiding software, but have switched to the EKOS internal guiding.

ASTAP for pre-processing (stacking)

PixInsight and Siril for post processing